Despite a premature launch that irked series director Katsuhiro Harada, Bandai Namco has now officially revealed that the next character set to take the stage in Tekken 8 is in fact Bryan Fury.
Having made his debut in Tekken 3, the manic cyborg has been a mainstay in the series ever since, famed for his aggression and ability to rip off turrets from armoured tanks.
And his appearance in Tekken 8 doesn’t appear to deviate too much if this trailer is anything to go by, what with the inclusion of a Gatling gun and a myriad of attacks that demonstrate his capability as a first-choice fighter amongst fans.
Unfortunately no release date has been forthcoming for the game though Bandai Namco has opted for a monthly cadence when it comes to character reveals just to satiate the masses.
Hopefully we’ll see more during Summer Game Fest as the publisher has confirmed its attendance.