Goodbye Volcano High, the narrative game which was set to release sometime this year has now been delayed into 2022 for two reasons, namely that the global pandemic has slowed down development and they rebooted the entire games narrative back in 2020.
The news came from the developers themselves, KO_OP, in a tweet that discussed the issues they’ve dealt with and why Goodbye Volcano High won’t hit its original 2021 release window. What’s interesting as well is they also released an interview with the writing team, discussing the decision to reboot the narrative.
The interview came from the developer’s newsletter, in which the writing team discussed trusting their creative process that though this would add time to the development, it was the right decision for them to make.
“You can’t be too precious.” said writer Camerin Wild when discussing their writing process. “And your colleagues are there to work with you, not wait for you. So now I think the process is much more fluid.”
Source – [Twitter]