Sony has been poking and prodding the PS Plus Extra & PS Plus Premium May 2023 lineup all week, and has made yet more small changes to the availability of titles.
Earlier this week we reported that it had removed the PS4 game Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town from the lineup. Well, that’s no longer the case; Friends of Mineral Town is now back in the lineup, but Soundfall has been removed. Well, sort of.
Instead of being available worldwide, Soundfall has been limited to Asia and Japanese regions of the PS Plus lineup.
Soundfall will be available as part of the Game Catalog only in Japan and Asia regions where PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium/Deluxe is offered.
Hopefully Sony will stop fiddling with the lineup and that is all we’ll see from any changes to this month’s PS Plus Extra & PS Plus Premium offering.
[Source – PlayStation Blog]