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Sony’s Jim Ryan Seemed Unconcerned About Losing Call Of Duty To Microsoft, Reveals Bombshell Email

A message read out in court during Microsoft’s legal battle with the US Federal Trade Commission has Sony boss Jim Ryan appearing none too worried over the prospect of Call of Duty becoming exclusive to Xbox.

The email was sent to ex-PlayStation Europe boss Chris Deering by Ryan and read out in court last night. In case you’ve been living under a rock, the FTC is a major roadblock in Microsoft’s plans to acquire Activision Blizzard, and is seeking a preliminary injunction to be approved by the judge.

It is not an exclusivity play at all. They’re thinking bigger than that. I’m pretty sure we will continue to see COD on PlayStation for many years to come. We’ll be okay. We’ll be more than okay.

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Sony has been very vocal about Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard and its impact on the Call of Duty series for PlayStation. The format holder previously commented that the Xbox maker’s current offer for the series on PlayStation “will irreparably harm competition and innovation in the industry,” while Microsoft has claimed that 10 years is more than enough for Sony to work on an alternative to CoD.

Sony has also expressed concern that Microsoft would sabotage the “quality and performance” of future Call of Duty games on PlayStation if the Activision deal is approved.

[Source – Eurogamer]